All Programs

Here you’ll find all my exclusive programs

and in-depth workshops to help you feel and move better!

All Programs

Here you’ll find all my exclusive programs and in-depth workshops to help you move and feel better!

  • Yoga for Hip Pain & Bursitis

    4-Week Program for Complete Hip Pain Relief - Strengthen and stretch your way to a pain-free life!

  • Yoga for Fibromyalgia & Chronic Pain

    7-Day Exclusive Yoga Series & Yoga Pose eBook - the program to help YOU live better in just 7 days

  • Yoga for Seniors & Limited Mobility

    8-Part Exclusive Yoga & Meditation Program to help you feel better while respecting your body and mind

  • Healthy Hips at Last Workshop

    Exclusive 90-minute yoga and movement experience to get to know YOUR individual hips and what they really need to feel their best!

  • The Secrets of Your Lower Back Workshop

    Exclusive 90-minute yoga and movement experience to relieve your lower back and get it healthier than ever before!

  • Feel Better in Body & Mind Workshop

    Complete 2-hour yoga and meditation workshop to help you gain a better understanding of yourself and live life to the fullest!

  • Chakra Balancing Guide

    Balance Your Chakras, Heal Your Life: the Complete 3-Part Guide

Other Resources I Recommend

  • My Favorite Yoga Props

    Need a new yoga mat? Want a set of yoga blocks? Check out my Amazon storefront page to see what I use and recommend.

  • Learn Arm Balances & Inversions

    Always wanted to learn a crow pose, or maybe you’ve dreamed of mastering headstand? Here’s the 8-week program I use and LOVE to further my own practice!